獻給未來系列 - 自然療法二世
Metamorphosis of Coral Reef III
40×30×30 cm∣2009
Gallerie Philosophie Private Collection
「自然療法二世」是 知器 近期的秘密收藏,橘紅色佈滿斑點的螺旋貝殼耳朵,大海般澈藍的大眼,被繃帶層層包裹的微胖身軀,胸前有著愛心的紅十字架,以及陪伴他坐在肩膀上的美人魚護士! 「自然療法二世」無疑的就是前來拯救珊瑚礁群的使者!
藝術家 Vipoo 是一位出生於泰國曼谷,大學畢業後前往澳洲研習並取得碩士學位。藝術科班出身的他有感於澳洲與泰國沿海的珊瑚礁群一一被破壞,自覺需要付出己力來喚醒人們對於大自然與海洋生態的關心。
以下為 Vipoo 「獻給未來」的系列作品與他在 2008 年創作的構思 (取自於Vipoo網站:http://www.vipoo.com/gallery.htm):
‘For the Future’ has evolved from my concern for the coral reefs and eco-systems of Australia and Thailand and the damage that is being done to them as a result of society’s greed and over consumption. I hope the viewer can find humor in the works, despite the seriousness of the subject matter.
The form of this current series is inspired by ceramic figurines of plump Chinese court ladies I saw in the Ming Tombs of Beijing. These figures reminded me of myself and other people around me, the way we continue to over-indulge and over-consume.
The smaller works represent a colony of coral. Coral is made up of millions of small living organisms called polyps, which live in groups called colonies. My coral colonies sit on dinner plates, ready to be served to another type of colonial creature: man!
I hope my work will increase public awareness of the importance and value of living coral reefs and eco-systems and perhaps highlight the issues.
Vipoo Srivilasa
1969 出生於泰國曼谷
1997 移居澳洲
作品探索本土泰國文化與新居澳洲文化間內在的共性,充滿戲劇性、誇張、 詼諧,饒富對美的內在尋覓。 作品採系列呈現,各自探究不同的主題,雙文化的經歷運用於許多主題,透露出身處二個世界之間的定位。
My works explore the inherent commonalities between the cultures of my native Thailand and my new home of Australia. My work is theatrical, flamboyant, humorous and always enriched with an inherent search for beauty. I work in series, each exploring a chosen theme. Many of these themes draw on my bicultural experiences and reference my place between the two worlds.
1998 Master of Fine Art and Design (ceramic), University of Tasmania, Hobart
1997 Post Graduate Diploma (ceramic), Monash University, Melbourne
1994 Bachelor of Art (ceramic), Rangsit University, Bangkok, Thailand
Solo Exhibitions∣個展記錄
Indigo Kingdom, Anna Pappas Gallery, Melbourne
Colonies, Surapon Gallery, Bangkok
Monster by Hands: collaboration project with Thai Celadon factory, Pong Noi Art Space, Chiang Mai
For The Future, Über Gallery, Melbourne
Roop, Root, Ruang, Asia-Australia Arts Centre, Sydney
2006 My Self : My Others, Über Gallery, Melbourne
2005 Lai Krarm, Surapon Gallery. Bangkok, Thailand
2004 People I Have Met, Skepsi on Swanston, Melbourne
2003 Mythical Monsters, Freeman 3 Gallery, Hobart
2002 Action Man, Haecceity Art Gallery, Melbourne
2001 The Coral Show, Haecceity Art Gallery, Melbourne
Ocean Fantasies, Jam Factory Gallery, Adelaide
S&M Mermaid, Object Store, Sydney
Mermaid's Pet Teapot, Inner City Clay Worker Gallery, Sydney
1998 Ocean Fantasies, Side Space Gallery, Hobart
1997 Mermaids, State Craft Gallery, Melbourne
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